Robbie Bach, president of Entertainment and Devices division, acknowledged that the problem lies in the design itself, not a manufacturing problem or manufacturing partner problem. Microsoft found a way of going around the design problem, and has better-designed units out in the market right now.
SPOnG supposes that the better-designed units Microsoft is referring to are the Xbox 360 Elite, which had a different design, such as the HDMI. While it's no surprise that the Elite is built differently compared to the standard units, SPOnG emphasized one strange point: The Xbox 360 Elite, released earlier this year, was deliberately designed to avoid the Red Ring of Death pitfall.
We'll leave the thinking to you, folks. Bach was also a bit vocal with cost reduction, saying, "We are, and have been since the beginning, right on track with where we expected to be with cost reduction."
from X360 QJ.NET
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