Better late then never right? It better be, because Home Media Magazine took last week off, so this week's edition includes the Nielsen VideoScan numbers from the week ending December 16th 2007. Not sure if they plan to catch up somehow -- eventually skip a week -- but either way we'll bring 'em to you when they're published. As previously reported by a AVS member -- Blu-ray outsold HD DVD by 61:39 (1.56:1) despite the fact that the HD DVD exclusive The Bourne Ultimatum outsold Blu-ray's best title by almost 2:1. Part of the reason for blu's success this week was some old favorites like 300 and Spider-Man 3, but judging by the new legs on Casino Royale, we'd say a BOGO sale contributed to the success as well. Looking forward to next week last week, the same trusty source has beat HMM to the punch and let us know that once again the ratio was 61:39, and although Amazon is included in these numbers, the HD DVD BOGO sale wasn't in progress yet. But as successful as the sale appears to be, we really doubt it'll be enough to give red it's first winning week of the year.

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